Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bassinet acrobatics

So Lena is finally sleeping in her bassinet. Since around Easter, she had only been able to sleep in her car seat. It sat next to my side of the bed. I felt guilty that she was sleeping there every night, but she just didn't want to sleep laying flat.

Well, I kept trying and finally. . .success! She sleeps in her bassinet all night and doesn't fuss a bit (unless it's eating time.) It's so great to have her sleeping in a real bed! And no more lugging the heavy, bulky car seat up and down the stairs everyday.

But I have noticed that she doesn't wake up in the position I put her down in. Every night she manages to turn herself at least 90 degrees. And always to her left.

See, now, I lay her down straight, with her head like between the teddy bears. And by morning, this is what I see. What a goof!

We've also noticed that she is sucking her thumb. While we try to discourage her from doing it, we have to admit, it's darn cute.

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