Another month has come and gone. Thankfully, January seemed to go by pretty fast this year. Here are a few pictures I took this month.
The girls and their Pillow Pets.

I interrupted them mid-magic carpet ride to snap a quick pic.

Happy Eva at a birthday party at church.

Lena showing off her cupcake.

My only outdoors pic of the month. As you can see in the background, we hardly got enough snow this month to play in.
Eva getting a sweet kiss on the top of the head by a nice man at church. (This photo was taken by a church member and sent to me. Thanks Gloria!)
Happy fingers.
Eva's got the "smile for the camera" thing down!
Eva loves to pretend to go "night-night". Lena was happy to cover her up with a pillowcase from the laundry basket.
Of course, since I took Eva's picture, Lena insisted I take hers too.
We've been getting lots of art projects sent home from preschool, so I decided to take pics of Lena holding them up. This one says "Snowflakes are. . . snow." I'm not sure, but my guess is that the teacher asked each kid to finish the sentence and then wrote down their answer. Leave it to Lena to state the obvious!
This one says, "The New Year is a time to say, I'll use my hands in every way. To do good deeds and spread good cheer for all the people I hold dear."
The girls like taking bubble baths together.
Bathtime butterfly.
Striking a pose.
And another one. Eva is clearly amused.
Another happy Eva face.
Lena spent several minutes "reading" this book quietly to Eva.
"Hanging out" with the blankets.
Grandma came up to visit last weekend.
More cuddling.
Another school art project. This one is a snowman made out of shaving cream mixed with something else. It turns out like puffy paint.
So Lena's really into My Little Pony. We've picked up a couple of ponies at secondhand stores, and she got one for Christmas, but we hit the jackpot last weekend. At a local secondhand store, we scored a large bag filled with ponies and pony paraphernalia for only $5. We took them home and evaluated what we had gotten. It turned out to be about 16 ponies, all very well taken care of, lots of brushes, combs, jewelry, a sewing machine, a vanity, and a "boutique". Some of the ponies have magnets on one of their hooves, that makes the sewing machine "sew" and opens drawers on the vanity and boutique. Everything in this pic, except for about 4 ponies, was in the bag.
This is a pony that we had gotten some time last year at a Goodwill. Its hair was so gross (made more evident when compared to the nice ponies we recently acquired), that we chopped it off and now this is the one and only "boy pony". Lena has named him Luke, after a boy in her class.
The sewing machine. When you put a pony's magnetic foot on the heart, the piece of fabric spins around.
Lena asked me to take pics of her holding certain ponies up close.
I've decided that Lena's birthday party is going to have a My Little Pony theme to it. If anyone wants to get Lena an MLP themed gift, my only request is that it be some kind of accessory, and not another pony. I think 20 is enough for now!