Monday, August 23, 2010

A Visit from the Chryst Family

This weekend our friends from Wisconsin, the Chrysts, came to visit. We had a great time with them, as always. On Friday evening, we took a picnic dinner to listen to the music in the park. The girls had fun running around while the grown-ups talked. The daddies even took the girls on a walk down the trail that runs along the river. Then when the bugs got to be too much (there was absolutely no breeze that day), we got some ice cream before going home.

On Saturday, Brenda hosted a Pampered Chef fundraising show at our church. It was lots of fun and she made a really yummy dish. The daddies stayed at our house with all five girls--they were planning on going to the park, but it was pouring down rain. That evening we went out for dinner. They worshiped with us at our church before heading home on Sunday.

Here are a few pics I took over the weekend.

Eva at the park.

Lena enjoying her fried chicken. We also had potato salad, homemade baked beans, and watermelon.

Brenda meeting Eva for the first time.

Another little girl had some bubbles and of course our girls were right there getting in on all the bubble action!

Enjoying some ice cream and air conditioning. Although it looks like we just got done swimming, it's sweat that is plastering the girls' hair to their heads. It was over 90 degrees and really humid that day.

Bailey holding Eva. Bailey has a cast because she fractured her "anatomical snuff box." Google it; that's the real name of the bone she broke.

Helena holding Eva. Not a very good picture, but it's the only one I got before Lena caught wind that someone was holding Eva and horned in on everything.

Morgan trying to get Eva to play with her rattle.

I always try to get a picture of all the girls when they're together. This is the first one with Eva. They are all squinting because of the sun, but it's the best one I got. (In the one where they aren't squinting, Lena is screaming bc she didn't want her picture taken.)

I put Eva in her bouncer while Jim and I made dinner last night (he was barbecuing chicken and pork and corn on the cob while I made mashed sweet potatoes and roasted Brussels sprouts) and she cried for a few minutes, then got quiet. This is how I found her when I went to check on her.

Out like a light and letting it all hang out!

We had so much fun with the Chrysts and are so glad they came to visit us.

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