Monday, August 17, 2009

Corn on the Cob, a Stagecoach Ride, and Balloon Doggie

Saturday evening Middleville had a party downtown. This year Middleville is celebrating its 175th birthday. They have had events throughout the summer, with the finale being on Heritage Day (September 12). Saturday's festivities included pulled pork sandwiches, corn on the cob, free cake, clowns, music in the gazebo, and free stagecoach rides.

The biggest birthday "cake" I have ever seen. We kept expecting someone to jump out of it!

Pretty cake. The stagecoach is Middleville's logo. The town served as an important stagecoach stop back in the day.

Lena enjoying her pulled pork sandwich. They had to serve the messiest kind of sandwich!

We saw several people we know.

Lena had never eaten corn on the cob and didn't have a clue how to go about it.

So Daddy showed her how it is done.

Then she got it!

Then she couldn't get enough and continued to eat after Daddy put it down. What a goof.

The park was filled with people. They had several different bands play. This one was rock music (can you tell?).

The stagecoach giving rides.

We asked our "coach mates" to take our picture inside the stagecoach.

Lena loved it.

She kept trying to stick her head out the window.

I tried sticking the camera out the window to get a side view of the coach, but I just ended up getting the horse's behind.

All done with our ride.

Then a clown made Lena a balloon animal.

"Da doo!" (That's Lena-speak for "Thank you!")

She was very intrigued by the "doggie."

I snapped this picture on the way home, not realizing that she was biting the balloon. Two seconds later, POP!! Balloon Doggie's face popped.

We had a great time at the party and are so glad to live in a community that frequently does fun stuff like this.

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